Price shown for a 3000mm Queuing System. 2 x 1000mm Shelf Sections and 1 x Hook Section

4 x Legs
4 x Bases Plates
8 x 1000mm x 200mm Shelf and Brackets
8 x 1000mm Epos - please choose colour from drop down menu
8 x 1000mm Acrylic Risers
32 x 200mm Hooks
10 x Tie Bars
2 x Bowls

To make the most of every inch of retail space with our queue systems. There are many options available and with several lengths to choose from, so you can lead your customers to the till area while offering grab-and-go items.

This allows even the busiest of stores to have a structured way of queuing and saves any confusion at busy times of the day. It even offers an easy way of making your 'on offer' products available to collect while queuing.

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