While many stores offer baskets as a great way for customers to get their products to the checkout there are some items that are too large to go in a basket or are too heavy for customers to carry around the store. Wheel in the trolleys! Trolleys are a quick and easy way to encourage customers to pick up those bigger ticket items in your store without struggling.
Placing your trolleys at the front of your store makes them easy to locate for the customer and encourages people to grab them on the way in. When you are having trolleys in your store it is important to remember to have a clear space for customers to return them to, whether that is in store or a shelter in the parking lot, if it is the latter ensure you have a staff member regularly go out and bring the trolleys back in for future customers.
To find out more about any of the products mentioned above and to view our full range of used and new shop shelving and shelving accessories visit our website www.shelving4shops.co.uk. If you would like to talk about your shelving options give us a call on 01455 221512 or drop us an email and talk to one of our friendly team.