In a day and age where information is quickly available at people's fingertips, we have become very used to having information immediately and conveniently.
If the product information is not clear, customers are less likely to find a member of staff to find out information, they will often just skip over the product and purchase it in another store.
One of the first things to consider when placing product information is how products sit on the shelf. If items are constantly moving then even the best shelving labelling system will fall apart, using shelf risers and dividers to ensure customers stay in place can be a lifesaver for stores. You should then consider having EPOS strips in your store, these are a great place to put the product information in front of the items while still making the shelving look neat and tidy.
To find out more about any of the products mentioned above and to view our full range of used and new shop shelving and shelving accessories visit our website www.shelving4shops.co.uk. If you would like to talk about your shelving options give us a call on 01455 221512 or drop us an email and talk to one of our friendly team.